Low impact man

we watched a movie where we saw a man being extremely enviromnent friendly. And he tried to convince his kids to do the same or at least some of the things he does. I think we need to take an example of him because he tries to help the planet. For example he doesn’t eat meal of fish, and at the end he even tried to eat raw vegetables. The kids didn’t liked it, so I don’t think they are going to do it. They also take a shower with rainwater. He also has no trash or plastic or anything like that. He tries to buy everything without package. The thing that I liked the most was that he tried to convince people to buy biological food and go to the other restaurant, he also wanted that people put there trash in the bins.

I have a very high foot print. And it’s because I eat a lot of meal and I travel a lot with the plane. But when I saw the video of the ‘low impact man’ I started to think about what I could change in my life for the planet. I am going to recycle more, and I’m going to try to eat less meal. I’m also going to eat more vegetables and buy more seasonal. I’m also going to try to eat more in local restaurants than in company’s that are everywhere, Mcdonalds for example. At home my parents and I are holding 1 day a week a vegetarien day, so no meat and only vegetables.


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